Western Energy Markets Body of State Regulators

The Western Energy Markets Body of State Regulators (BOSR) was established in September 2015, as a part of the governance proposal adopted by the Board of Governors of the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to address the regional nature of its energy imbalance market (EIM). The BOSR is comprised of one commissioner from each of the state public utilities commissions in which a regulated load-serving utility participates or plans to participate in the CAISO EIM or Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM). The BOSR provides a forum for state commissioners to (1) select a voting member of the Western Energy Markets (WEM) Governing Body Nominating Committee, (2) learn about and discuss the EIM, EDAM, and CAISO markets, and (3) express a common position in CAISO stakeholder processes or to the WEM Governing Body on EIM and/or EDAM issues.

The EIM and EDAM allows western balancing authorities outside of the CAISO footprint to participate in CAISO’s real-time and extended day-ahead wholesale energy market, without fully integrating into the CAISO balancing authority. EIM and EDAM participants buy and sell power in the wholesale energy market close to the time electricity is consumed, and in the day-ahead, respectively.