State-Regulated Market Participant Funding Agreement
The EIM-BOSR operating as an independent, self-governing organization charged with participating in and informing state regulatory officials about Western EIM developments and activities, recognizes a need for independent technical expertise and staff resources to support the organization in its efforts to effectively fulfill its obligations. Furthermore, the EIM-BOSR recognizes that WIEB, an established organization charged with providing the tools and framework necessary to support cooperative efforts of the Western U.S. states and Canadian provinces in the energy field, is best situated to provide the technical expertise and staff resources necessary to support the EIM-BOSR in a competent and cost-effective manner. Therefore, the EIM-BOSR is currently negotiating with the state-regulated participants in the California Independent System Operator’s Western Energy Imbalance Market (a.k.a., State-Regulated Market Participants (SRMPs)), to establish a funding agreement that would allow the EIM-BOSR to obtain the technical expertise, staff resources and office space necessary to provide advice on market design and policy to the EIM Governing Body, the California ISO Board of Governors, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other key organizations.
The following draft documents are the foundation of the SRMP Funding Agreement:
- SRMP Funding Agreement Term Sheet [pdf]
- Memorandum of Understanding Between the EIM-BOSR and WIEB [pdf]
- EIM-BOSR 2021 Business Plan and Budget [pdf]
- Standard Contract Between WIEB and each SRMP [pdf]
The following presentations informed the development of the SRMP Funding Agreement: