MSC – Markets+ State Committee

The Markets+ State Committee (MSC) was established in April 2023 in accordance with the governance structure of Markets+, a Western day-ahead market to be operated by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP). The MSC works to effectively engage state members in the development and operation of the market and to provide direction and input to the Markets+ Independent Panel (MIP), Markets+ Participant Executive Committee (MPEC), and any working group or task force on pertinent market matters such as initiative prioritization, market operations, and policy issues.

Initial membership of the MSC is broad given the uncertainty about which states will ultimately participate in Markets+ and may include representatives from any of the states or provinces with entities that may plausibly choose to participate in the ultimate Markets+ day-ahead market structure. State members are appointed to the MSC by the Chair or President of each respective state public utility commission and may include a member from other state agencies such as state energy offices, state environmental offices, or state consumer advocates. The MSC operates in a public setting and welcomes other regional stakeholders to attend committee meetings to better foster engagement and collaboration.

More information about Markets+ can be found on the SPP website here.