Wind Turbine Decommissioning Study
The Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) is pleased to announce the release of its Issue Brief on Wind Decommissioning Policies in the West.
The Issue Brief on Wind Decommissioning Policies in the West is the result of a request by a WIEB member state to:
- Review existing wind turbine decommissioning procedures, practices, and requirements within western states and provinces;
- Identify best practices, from a regional perspective; and
- Provide recommendations to ensure adequate protections are in place for Westerners during the energy transition.
To develop the brief, WIEB staff surveyed western states and provinces and industry partners to identify existing requirements associated with wind turbine end-of-life decommissioning. The issue brief summarizes the results of the survey and identifies decommissioning practices and requirements that states and provinces can consider in establishing decommissioning policies to protect citizens, landowners, and developers alike.