This summer, the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) hosted two Shultz Energy fellows from Stanford University to analyze transmission use and congestion in the Western States. The fellows used publicly available Locational Marginal Price (LMP) data across the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) to analyze recent trends in congestion and transmission usage. Their findings are intended to enhance the understanding of the western transmission system and provide meaningful insight for regulators and policymakers to incorporate into resource planning, transmission planning, and cost allocation analysis.
The Stanford University 2024 Shultz Energy fellows were:
- Yueer Cai, Stanford University MS Candidate, Sustainable Design and Construction ‘24
- Owen Jung, Stanford University BS Candidate, Data Science ‘26
On August 30, 2024 the fellows conducted a webinars to share their research findings and rovide recommendations on incremental policy steps.
A copy of the slides can be found HERE.