2023 Winter Wildfire Meeting
The Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) hosted its 2023 Winter Wildfire Meeting on March 1-2, 2023, in Vancouver, British Columbia. WIEB brought together utility regulators, state energy office officials, scientists, national laboratories, and industry experts to discuss the pressing issues the Western Interconnection faces as it grapples with the impacts of wildfires. Attendees spent two days discussing the challenges each province and state are confronted with and sharing strategic solutions on how best to mitigate wildfires and increase safety measures.
The purpose of this project is to convene western policymakers, regulators, subject matter experts, and utility representatives to discuss the evolving threat of wildfires in the West and to support regional collaboration on an evolving set of wildfire-related best practices for states and provinces. The best practices would address opportunities to identify and mitigate wildfire risks, to support bulk power system reliability, and to assist electricity customers affected by wildfires and wildfire mitigation efforts. The Fall 2022 Joint CREPC-WIRAB Meeting included a session on the lessons learned on cross-jurisdictional communications from wildfire events. This discussion served as an opportunity to bring attention to just one of the many important topics to be discussed at the upcoming workshop. WIEB staff organized an in-person workshop in Vancouver, British Columbia in early 2023 to continue this conversation.
Meeting Documents
2023 Winter Wildfire Meeting Agenda
2023 Winter Wildfire Meeting Summary
2023 Winter Wildfire Meeting page
For more information about this project, please contact Laura Rennick at WIEB: lrennick@westernenergyboard.org