Webinar: Energy Strategies Findings of EDAM Benefits Study, Sponsored by CAISO

The Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation (CREPC) hosted a webinar on Friday, November 18th that was sponsored by California ISO “Energy Strategies Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) Benefits Study: Estimating Savings for California and the West Under EDAM Market Scenarios.”

Earlier this year, CAISO engaged Energy Strategies LLC to build upon the work of the 2021 State Led Market Study and evaluate the operational benefits and capacity savings of EDAM. The 2021 State-Led Market Study, which was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and lead by State Energy Offices in Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Montana, and facilitated by Energy Strategies LLC forecasted operational benefits and capacity savings that could accrue to individual states under various future market scenarios, including real-time, day-ahead, and RTO market constructs.

On Friday, Keegan Moyer from Energy Strategies provided webinar attendees with an overview of the findings from the CAISO EDAM Benefits Study.