WIRAB Advice to WECC on the 2024 WECC Reliability Risk Priorities | June 2024

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WIRAB submitted Advice to the WECC Board of Directors on Preliminary 2024 WECC Reliability Risk Priorities (RRPs).

WIRAB reviewed the risks based on two key principles:

  • Is the risk unique to the Western Interconnection?; and
  • Can WECC effectively address and mitigate the risk?

WIRAB believes that all RRPs identified by WECC staff are important, and efforts should be made to mitigate these risks across the industry. Not everything can be a priority, thus WIRAB recommends focusing on the most unique and impactful risks to the West that WECC can effectively evaluate and help mitigate.

The selected Reliability Risk Priorities for 2024 include:

  1. Aridification and associated natural events: drought, heat events, and wildfires
  2. Inverter-based Resources
  3. Lack of coordinated planning for building out resources and transmission
  4. Modeling quality and input validation
  5. Potential Effects of Energy Policies in the West
