WIEB Webinars – State Representatives Comments on SPP Markets+ Governance Design

The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) is currently working on a governance design for its Markets+ initiative.  Markets+ is more than just a day-ahead market offering. It’s a conceptual bundle of services proposed by SPP that would centralize day-ahead and real-time unit commitment and dispatch, provide hurdle-free transmission service across its footprint, and pave the way for the reliable integration of a rapidly growing fleet of renewable generation. Markets+ provides a voluntary, incremental opportunity to realize the significant benefits of wholesale electricity market expansion in the West.

The Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) has agreed to assist SPP by assembling state representatives input regarding the governance design of Markets+.  WIEB will host a series of webinars with state and provincial energy office officials and utility regulators to facilitate, collect, and assemble input on specific elements of the governance design.  The objective is to deliver consensus answers to specific questions that SPP is asking and to provide verbal and written comments to SPP.

WIEB will host public and private webinars with state representatives to develop a response to SPP.  The schedule of WIEB events is:

April 13, 2022 SPP Markets+ Governance Overview for State Representatives
Public Webinar
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. MT / 9:00 -10:30 a.m. PT
Registration (closed)
Watch Webinar


May 13, 2022 State Representatives Present Comments on Governance Design to SPP
Public Webinar
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. MT / 9:00 -10:30 a.m. PT
Watch Webinar

WIEB will host private webinars (if needed) with state representatives between these events to solicit input and develop a consensus response to SPP.

SPP is scheduled to host a public webinar on the Markets+ governance design with all stakeholders on April 25, 2022 (to provide a summary of other stakeholder comments) and May 23, 2022 (to introduce the governance design concept paper) and will host in-person meetings on June 1 – 2, 2022 in Denver, Colorado, to discuss all aspect of the design its Markets+ service offering in the West. You can register for these webinars here.

Please use the registration links provided above for each webinar. If you have questions or concerns regarding this approach please contact Maury Galbraith (mgalbraith@westernenergyboard.org) or Kara Fornstrom (kfornstrom@spp.org).